Upcoming Workshops

This spring, I’ll be holding two workshops with Adult Learning Shetland - please find details below!

Gradations: An Introduction to Tonal Drawing

When & Where: 19.30 - 21.00, 26th April & 3rd May | Online via Zoom

Booking: Through Adult Learning Shetland

Join us for a short series of interactive Zoom sessions exploring tone, that is, light and dark in drawing!

Everything we see around us is made up of varying light and darks. Developing our understanding of this can be used to enhance the impression of space in our drawings - whether studying still objects, living forms or working outside in the changing landscape. Variation of light is also an amazing expressive tool - a way to heighten drama, create mood and also be more experimental with illusion of spatial depth in our work.

Over two weeks, we'll learn the basics of light and dark in drawing, as well as look at the work of artists from history who've used tone in their work in fascinating ways. So, whether you've recently found a renewed interest in drawing and art, wish to develop your observational skills for other reasons, or simply wish to enjoy time being creative, this is the online class for you!

Shapes in Nature

When & Where: 10.30 - 12.00, 1st, 8th & 15th May | Online via Zoom

Booking: Through Adult Learning Shetland

Join us for a short series of interactive Zoom sessions exploring nature’s dynamic forms and effects!

In Week 1 we will make observational sketches, studying lines, shapes and structures in natural forms, and sharpen our observational skills to translate what we see to the page. In the following two weeks, we’ll be working further with our sketches, experimenting with for example cropping, composition, gesture, geometry and collage to explore just a few approaches to ‘abstraction’. Though perhaps we might associate ‘abstract’ with art that doesn’t show anything recognisable (or even seeks to confuse), we’ll look at how abstraction can interestingly explore some of the fundamentals of drawing and how the eye reads images, as well as reveal aspects of order and chaos in nature.

Whether you’ve recently found a renewed interest in drawing and art, or simply wish to enjoy time being creative and ‘thinking on paper’, this online class will give you lots of new directions for your art!