Da Voar Draw - Day 2

It's Day 2 of Da Voar Draw, and today we're being inspired by Plants!

As spring progresses, we see plants bursting into life everywhere in the environment, beginning as fragile forms like these seedlings but soon gaining strength and structure. Their growth is not directly perceptible to us, unfolding on a different level of time, but we can express their unfolding energy in our drawing!

We’re again working with simple line drawing, but today’s activities will encourage us to look more closely and use line to make journeys around our plants, getting to know their form along the way.

So choose your drawing materials, and follow the activity!

It would be great to see what you all come up with, so don’t forget to share them using #DaVoarDraw, or post in the event page on Facebook. If you have any thoughts about today’s activity and drawings using #DaVoarDraw, please feel free to comment – it would be great to start new supportive networks, all about drawing!



#DaVoarDraw #CreativeScotland #CreativeNetwork #Shetland #Orkney #Aberdeen #Aberdeenshire #TheBigDraw
